KeyCars Mac OS

KeyCars Mac OS

June 03 2021

KeyCars Mac OS

  1. Key Cars Mac Os X
  2. Key Cars Mac Os Download

Keycard is undoubtedly the easiest way to keep your Mac secure when you're not around. Using Bluetooth®, Keycard locks your Mac using your iOS device when it detects you are leaving your computer. When you come back, it unlocks it for you. Leaving your desk for 10 minutes?

One thing I hate about US keyboards is that they don’t let me type my French special characters by any memorable strecth – what’s the dead key for the cedilla again? (ç)

  • Full Playlist: more How to Understand Computers videos:
  • I hauled out my Mac Plus, with System 6.0.8, and tested this. The system file comes with two KMAP resources, which define the keyboard mapping. The Keyboard section of the control panel allows you to choose between these two keymaps, Domestic and International. You are correct that the scancodes for the bottom row of the International keyboard are shifted by one key.
  • Sticky Keys in Mac OS X » Motor Skills » 4All » Tech Ease: The Sticky Keys feature of Mac OS X makes some keyboard shortcuts easier for people who have limited dexterity. When this feature is on, you can press the keys for a shortcut in sequence instead of needing to hold them down at the same time.

Key Cars Mac Os X

One thing I hate about French keytboards is that they have all the punctuation keys messed up… which is particularily painful when trying to write code. < and > share a single key! [ and ] require THREE fingers! (you’d better give un on using arrays!! :p)

The only bearable solution in the long run is to remap the keys to an order that makes a little more sense.

I just found the perfect tool for create new keyboard layouts on the mac: Ukelele ! :)

Ukele easily lets you reassign characters to keys with any hot key combination and it also lets you create dead keys (multiple keypress sequences to create one character).

Now one question remains: which keyboard should I start with: a French AZERTY or a US QWERTY keyboard? (All mac keyboard layouts here)

By the way: if you’re looking for a keymap editor for Windows, here’s one from Microsoft.

This entry was posted by François Planque and filed under Mac stuff. Tags: howto, keyboard, keymap, mac, mac os x, osx.


Stopping a Program (try in order)

+ Qquit program
+ .interrupt
+ Option + Escforce quit
+ Shift + Option + Escforce quit, Cocoa & Panther only
power button for over 5 seconds
+ Control + restart immediately, no chance to save, may corrupt disk

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Key Cars Mac Os Download

Booting (hold down while...)

click or holdeject CD
Cboot from CD/DVD
Dstart from hard disk's first partition; if the first install disk is in the drive, start diagnostic tests
Nstart from the network server
Option + Nstart the default boot image from a NetBoot server
+ Option + N + Vreset NVRAM
+ Option + O + Fbring up Open Firmware
+ Option + P + Rreset PRAM
Rforce PowerBook screen reset
+ Sboot single user moder (OSX)
Tput the Mac into FireWire target disk mode
+ Vboot verbose: show messages while booting (OS X)
Xstart in OS X (if OS 9 is on the same disk)
Optionshow icons of all start-up disks or partitions and lets you selectolder machines: restart in OS 9
Shiftboot with no extensions (OS9); holding Shift down after the list ofservices begins to appear disables auto-login, holding it down afteryou've logged on disables login items
+ Optionrebuild desktop (OS9?)
+ Option + Shift + Deletebypass startup checks; start up from an external drive, if present;otherwise, start up in Safe mode
eject CD (may not work on USB); F12 is used if there is no dedicated ejectkey

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KeyCars Mac OS


Shift + Returndon't run startup items; while showing user list, Option + Enter on aname switches to prompt for name mode, Back goes back to name listmode
in name mode...You can enter these special names:
  • >restart
  • >shutdown
  • >sleep
to do the corresponding function.

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+ Shift + 3snapshot screen to file/desktop (which depends on version)
+ Control + Shift + 3snapshot screen to clipboard
+ Shift + 4 then click/dragsnapshot screen selection to file/desktop (which depends on version)
+ Shift + 4 then hold Controlsnapshot screen selection to clipboard
+ Shift + 4 then Spacesnapshot screen selection to desktop
+ Shift + CAPS + 4snapshot window to file
+ Shift + CAPS + 4 and then click/dragsnapshot window selection to file
+ Control + Shift + 4 then click/dragsnapshot screen selection to clipboard
+ Control + Shift + CAPS + 4snapshot window to clipboard
+ Control + Shift + CAPS + 4 then click/dragsnapshot window selection to clipboard
+ Shift + Qlog out
eject CD/DVD
reset used for firmware upgrades
sleep on/off; restart if pressed for over 5 seconds

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Option + click on minimizeminimize all Finder windows
Option + double-clickopen selected folder and close parent window
+ drag file or folder locationmove to a new volume without copying
Option + drag file or folder locationcopy file or folder to a new location
+ Option + drag file or folder locationmake an alias in a new location
+ uparrowopens the parent folder
+ Option + uparrowopen parent folder and close the current window
+ Option + Shift + uparrowselects the Desktop
+ downarrowmoves down one level
+ rightarrowexpand folder (List view)
+ Option + rightarrowexpand folder and nested subfolders (List view)
+ leftarrowcollapse folder (List view)
Tabselects the next item alphabetically
Shift + Tabselects the previous item alphabetically
+ Option + 8toggle zoom
+ Option + Control + 8toggle white-on-black mode
+ Option + =zoom in
+ Option + -zoom out
+ Shift + Aopens your Applications folder
+ Option + Dtoggle the Dock between show and hide
+ Shift + Hopens your Home folder
+ Lcreate an alias
+ Option + Oopen selected folder and close parent window
+ Rwhen an alias is selected, jump to its target
+ Tmove an item to the sidebar
+ Option + Wclose all Finder windows
+ Shift + Deleteempty trash
+ Deletemove the selected item(s) to the trash
+ Option + Shift + Deleteempty trash immediately without any warning dialog

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F12toggle Dashboard activation (if you don't have a dedicated ejectbutton, F12 will eject the CD)
F12 and holdshows Dashboard while key is held down (if you don't have a dedicatedeject button, F12 will eject the CD)
+ = (after Dashboard activated)toggle Widget bar
+ R (after Widget selected)reload Widget

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+ clickopens the file in a new Finder window
+ Spaceopens the Spotlight menu
+ Option + Spaceopens the Spotlight window
+ Returnopens the Top Hit item
arrow keysnavigate the list of results
Returnopens the selected search result

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General Keystrokes

+ Tabswitches to the next open program; press ONCE and release the z key toswitch to the program used most recently
+ Shift + Tabswitches to the previous open program
+ Option + Dhides/shows the Dock
+ Option + Hhides all windows except the one you're in
+ `cycle through application or Finder windows (if more than one open)
+ Shift + `cycle through application or Finder windows (if more than one open), in reverse order
+ ~switches to the next open window in this program
click on Dock icon (Application)shows applications's windows
Control + click on Dock icon (Folder)shows folder's contents; also Force Quit option
+ click on Dock iconreveals the original item in the Finder
+ Option + click on Dock iconswitches to this program and hides all others
+ click window toolbar buttoncycle through available window views
+ click window titleshow path to folder or document
Option + click yellow buttondock all this application's open windows (some applications)
Option + click on another application's iconswitches to this program and hides all others
Option + empty trashempties the trash without asking 'are you sure?' and also emptieslocked files

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On Keyboards Without a Power Key

Control + brings up the dialog box for shutdown, sleep, or restart
+ Control + forces a restart
+ Option + puts the Mac to sleep
+ Control + Option + shuts down

KeyCars Mac OS

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