Gnome Smasher Mac OS

Gnome Smasher Mac OS

June 03 2021

Gnome Smasher Mac OS


dconf — A configuration systen

I have installed arc theme on Ubuntu gnome and I am loving it, but I have one more wish that is to change the close, minimize, maximize buttons' style to that of the Mac OS X Yosemite. Like this: I want retain the rest of the theme and only change the title bar buttons. All macOS and iOS releases appearances from System 4 to macOS Catalina. GNOME Layout Manager is a bash script written by Bill Mavromatis that batch installs and tweaks GNOME extensions as well as GTK/Shell themes. There are currently three theme options available. Unity; Windows 10; MacOS; I’ve tried a lot of look-changers and theming applications but GNOME layout manager is downright stunning. Intuitive and Efficient. GNOME 40 provides a focused working environment that helps you get things done. It is packed with features that will make you more productive: a powerful search feature that helps you access all your work from one place; side-by-side windows that make it easy to view several documents at the same time; seamless integration with online accounts which allows you to. This video shown step by step how to make GNOME Desktop Look Like MacOS Big Sur. In this video, I use Ubuntu for implementing the theme look like mac big sur.


dconf is a simple key/value storage system that is heavily optimised for reading. This makes it an ideal system for storing user preferences (which are read 1000s of times for each time the user changes one). It was created with this usecase in mind.

All preferences are stored in a single large binary file. Layering of preferences is possible using multiple files (ie: for site defaults). Lock-down is also supported. The binary file for the defaults can optionally be compiled from a set of plain text keyfiles.

dconf has a partial client/server architecture. It uses D-Bus. The server is only involved in writes (and is not activated in the user session until the user modifies a preference). The service is stateless and can exit freely at any time (and is therefore robust against crashes). The list of paths that each process is watching is stored within the D-Bus daemon itself (as D-Bus signal match rules).

Reads are performed by direct access (via mmap) to the on-disk database which is essentially a hashtable. For this reason, dconf reads typically involve zero system calls and are comparable to a hashtable lookup in terms of speed. Practically speaking, in simple non-layered setups, dconf is less than 10 times slower than GHashTable.

Writes are assumed only to happen in response to explicit user interaction (like clicking on a checkbox in a preferences dialog) and are therefore not optimised at all. On some file systems, dconf-service will call fsync() for every write, which can introduce a latency of up to 100ms. This latency is hidden by the client libraries through a clever 'fast' mechanism that records the outstanding changes locally (so they can be read back immediately) until the service signals that a write has completed.

The binary database format that dconf uses by default is not suitable for use on NFS, where mmap does not work well. To handle this common use case, dconf can be configured to place its binary database in XDG_RUNTIME_DIR (which is guaranteed to be local, but non-persistent) and synchronize it with a plain text keyfile in the users home directory.

Gnome Smasher Mac OS


A profile is a list of configuration databases that dconf consults to find the value for a key. The user's personal database always takes the highest priority, followed by the system databases in the order prescribed by the profile.

On startup, dconf consults the DCONF_PROFILE environment variable. If set, dconf will attempt to open the named profile, aborting if that fails. If the environment variable is not set, it will attempt to open the profile named 'user' and if that fails, it will fall back to an internal hard-wired configuration. dconf stores its profiles in text files. DCONF_PROFILE can specify a relative path to a file in /etc/dconf/profile/, or an absolute path (such as in a user's home directory). The profile name can only use alphanumeric characters or '_'.

A profile file might look like the following:

Each line in a profile specifies one dconf database. The first line indicates the database used to write changes, and the remaining lines indicate read-only databases. (The first line should specify a user-db or service-db, so that users can actually make configuration changes.)

A 'user-db' line specifies a user database. These databases are found in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dconf/. The name of the file to open in that directory is exactly as it is written in the profile. This file is expected to be in the binary dconf database format. Note that XDG_CONFIG_HOME cannot be set/modified per terminal or session, because then the writer and reader would be working on different DBs (the writer is started by DBus and cannot see that variable).

A 'service-db' line instructs dconf to place the binary database file for the user database in XDG_RUNTIME_DIR. Since this location is not persistent, the rest of the line instructs dconf how to store the database persistently. A typical line is service-db:keyfile/user, which tells dconf to synchronize the binary database with a plain text keyfile in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dconf/user.txt. The synchronization is bi-directional.

A 'system-db' line specifies a system database. These databases are found in /etc/dconf/db/. Again, the name of the file to open in that directory is exactly as it is written in the profile and the file is expected to be in the dconf database format.

If the DCONF_PROFILE environment variable is unset and the 'user' profile can not be opened, then the effect is as if the profile was specified by this file:

That is, the user's personal database is consulted and there are no system settings.

Key Files

To facilitate system configuration with a text editor, dconf can populate databases from plain text keyfiles. For any given system database, keyfiles can be placed into the /etc/dconf/db/database.d/ directory. The keyfiles contain groups of settings as follows:

After changing keyfiles, the database needs to be updated with the dconf(1) tool.


System databases can contain 'locks' for keys. If a lock for a particular key or subpath is installed into a database then no database listed above that one in the profile will be able to modify any of the affected settings. This can be used to enforce mandatory settings.

To add locks to a database, place text files in the /etc/dconf/db/database.d/locks directory, where database is the name of a system database, as specified in the profile. The files contain list of keys to lock, on per line. Lines starting with a # are ignored. Here is an example:

After changing locks, the database needs to be updated with the dconf(1) tool.


dconf mostly targets Free Software operating systems. It will theoretically run on Mac OS but there isn't much point to that (since Mac OS applications want to store preferences in plist files). It is not possible to use dconf on Windows because of the inability to rename over a file that's still in use (which is what the dconf-service does on every write).

API stability

The dconf API is not particularly friendly, and is not guaranteed to be stable. Because of this and the lack of portability, you almost certainly want to use some sort of wrapper API around it. The wrapper API used by GTK+ and GNOME applications is GSettings, which is included as part of GLib. GSettings has backends for Windows (using the registry) and Mac OS (using property lists) as well as its dconf backend and is the proper API to use for graphical applications.

See Also

dconf-service(1), dconf-editor(1), dconf(1), GSettings

Banshee's OS X port needs more love. Although a working .app Bundle exists, it is quite outdated and has some obvious bugs and flaws. Throughout this Summer, it's my task to improve on that.


Progress on my work (as well as on other topics) can be found at my blog:

Report #1Report #2Report #3Report #4Report #5Final report

GSoc 2012 is over and this site is outdated!

The Instructions and Reports here are kept for legacy reason! All my GSoC patches have made it into banshee mainline (>2.5.0). Please refer to the banshee homepage for up-to-date build instructions and downloads!

NOTE: Due to a blocking bug in gtk-quartz backend, Banshee does currently crash on OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. Right now its required to run and build from OS X 10.7 Lion.

Building on OS X is a little bit of work, since you have to compile every little dependency on your own. Where on a linux box you might use apt/zypper/rpm to install the build-dependencies, you don't have that comfort on OS X. Thats why banshee uses the bockbuild meta-buildsystem to automactically fetch and build ton's of packges/tarballs/git repos to compile everything from source.

Get Xcode4 & Compiler Tools

you have to install latest XCode4 via the Appstore. After installation, open up Xcode, select Preferences -> Downloads. Press the button next to 'Command Line Tools' which says Install/Update.

Folder layout

The build-process requires some folders to be in exact relative position to each other, so I suggest you follow the same folder layout as I will propse here!

Change to your home directory, and create a main folder 'banshee-dev' and cd into it:

Get bockbuild

Throughout the GSoC period, I maintain a banshee-2.4-stable bockbuild repo that can build releases from the banshee 2.4.x series. For banshee's master branch you need to checkout bockbuild from my master branch, too.

But first you have to install git for OS X. Then checkout the according bockbuild repo from github:

Build world

This will build all necessary build tools, dependencies, mono runtime,... and so on required to build banshee.

This process will take 'very long' (about 3 hours on my 2008 Macbook white) depending on your machine and network speed. This usually only has to be done once, its not necessary to recompile the world everytime you compile banshee.

Get & build Banshee

Release builds

If you want to create a distributable .app-Bundle or just build banshee from source without modifying banshee's source code, release build is for you. The release build fetches the latest stable series (currently 2.4) from git and builds it.

Mac Os Versions

If everything completes successfully, go ahead and read section build an .app Bundle

Non-release builds

With Non-release builds you fetch the banshee source from git yourself, allowing to chose which branch or version. This is what you want if you want to start hacking the banshee sourcecode, or just feel to be to cool for release builds.

NOTE: Non-release builds include some packages absent in release build due to licensing/patent restriction (i.e. the lame mp3 encoder). Do not distribute non-release builds including such protected packages and do not create official gnome packages from non-release builds!

If everything went well, you can start banshee for the first time:

(optional) get and build the banshee-community-plugins

You can build some extension only available from the banshee community repo. Currently not all extension work for the Mac OS X platform.

TODO This currently only works with the non-release builds.

(optional) Hacking the Code with MonoDevelop

First, get and install MonoDevelop from the MonoDevelop websiteTo write all necessary environment variables into MonoDevelop's .csproj file, you can do:

Now just open the $HOME/banshee/Banshee.sln file from within MonoDevelop and you are ready to hack and even debug banshee using a first-class IDE.

These builds are preview alpha quality and contain very obvious bugs. Do not report bug's regarding those builds, yet. The bundles do not run from anywhere else than the /Applications folder, so you have to drag them there before running.

The bundles include some plugins from the banshee-community-repositories, which have to be enabled via the settings menu.

NOTE: Due to a bug in gtk-quartz these bundles will crash on OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or earlier. It is therefore required to run on OS X 10.7 Lion.

Banshee-2.4.1-osx-alpha1.dmg (obsolete)

Banshee-2.4.1-osx-alpha2.dmg (obsolete, enabled keyboard shortcuts)

Banshee-2.4.1-osx-alpha3.dmg (obsolete, added USB mass storage hardware support, enabled UPnP/DLNA)

Banshee-2.4.1-osx-alpha4.dmg (obsolete, network shares as mass storage support, native file open dialogs)

Banshee-2.4.1-osx-alpha5.dmg (obsolete, open media files from finder, fix muted volume button) (Final GSoC binary, contains all patches & enhancements)

Please note that there will be no future releases posted here, but on the official download page.

Gnome Smasher Mac Os X


Mac Os Catalina

If you see weird boxes instead of fonts, or banshee crashes on startup or at a later time, try these steps first (to be entered in Terminal):

Mac Os Download

  • remove you banshee configuration:

  • remove possible corrupt gstreamer data from earlier installations:

Gnome Smasher Mac OS

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