Fake Exhibitions Mac OS

Fake Exhibitions Mac OS

May 26 2021

Fake Exhibitions Mac OS

There are many other fake errors similar to 'YOUR APPLE COMPUTER HAS BEEN LOCKED' including, for example, Immediately Call Apple Support, Mac Detected TAPSNAKE Infection, and Mac Malware Warning Alert! All claim that the system is infected or damaged in similar ways and victims are encouraged to contact technical support.

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  4. Fake Exhibitions Mac Os X
51 26 likes 213,303 views Last modified Oct 1, 2018 6:08 AM
  • I would like Safari on Mac OS X Lion to send correct geo informations to some websites but not to others. Instead sending correct location data I would like it to send either no location data, fake.
  • PRANK: macOS Updates.

DON’T PANIC! But be aware that the Internet is riddled with potential threats to the security and well-being of your Mac or iOS device. No computer system is completely immune from possible attack, but Apple’s OS X (being Unix-based) is less vulnerable than most, particularly the latest versions from Lion onwards. The following seeks to offer some guidance on the main security threats and how to avoid them. If you have further questions please post in the forum appropriate to your particular hardware or operating system.

There are many forms of ‘Malware’ that can affect a computer system, of which ‘a virus’ is but one type, ‘trojans’ another. Using the strict definition of a computer virus, no viruses that can attack OS X have so far been detected 'in the wild', i.e. in anything other than laboratory conditions. The same is not true of other forms of malware, such as Trojans. (The expression ‘malware’ is a general term used by computer professionals to mean a variety of forms of hostile, intrusive, or annoying software. Not all malware are viruses.) Whilst it is a fairly safe bet that your Mac will NOT be infected by a virus, it may have other security-related problem, but more likely a technical problem unrelated to any malware threat.

Since the introduction of Snow Leopard, Apple OS X has an anti-malware system built-in known as XProtect but officially called File Quarantine (see here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3662 ), which may alert you to, and prevent installation of, certain forms of malware. Later versions of OS X include further features to protect you, about which here: http://support.apple.com/kb/PH11432 and Apple also recommend that you take simple steps to protect your Mac as detailed here: http://support.apple.com/kb/PH10580

So what other anti-virus software do I need (or if I am still running Tiger or Leopard) ?

Whilst viruses designed to attack the Microsoft Windows operating system cannot affect Apple OS X, it is possible to pass on a Windows virus, which you may have received but not noticed, to a Windows user, for example through an email attachment. Many use the free ClamXav just to check incoming emails for this reason. Our resident expert Thomas A Reed offers excellent guidance on this subject here: www.thesafemac.com/mmg

Do not install Norton Anti-Virus on a Mac as it can seriously damage your operating system. Norton Anti-Virus is not compatible with Apple OS X.

Do not install MacKeeper or iAnti-Virus: See this User Tip: https://discussions.apple.com/docs/DOC-3022

FAKE ANTI-VIRUS SOFTWARE and associated MALWARE (To repeat: the expression ‘malware’ is a general term used by computer professionals to mean a variety of forms of hostile, intrusive, or annoying software.)

Do not be tricked by 'scareware', such as pop-ups on your browser, that tempts computer users to download fake anti-virus software that may itself be malware.

Once installed, the software may steal data or force people to make a payment to register the fake product. Examples include MacKeeper and iAntivirus, but there are others. Also, beware of MacSweeper and MACDefender* (also goes under the name of MacProtector, MacGuard, MacSecurity or MacShield): These are malware that mislead users by exaggerating reports about spyware, adware or viruses on their computer in an attempt to obtain payment for an application that does nothing that free utilities do not also offer, and in many cases will also mess up your system.

*Malicious software dubbed MACDefender takes aim at users of the Mac OS X operating system by automatically downloading a file through JavaScript. But users must also agree to install the software, leaving the potential threat limited.

*(This malware is not to be confused with MacDefender, the maker of geocaching software including GCStatistic and DTmatrix. The company noted on its site it is not affiliated with the malware.)

Malware spreads through search engines like Google via a method known as 'SEO poisoning.' The sites are designed to game search engine algorithms and show up when users search for certain topics. It is always a good idea to Block Pop-ups in your browser preferences.


The appearance of Trojans and other malware that can possibly infect a Mac seems to be growing, but is a completely different issue to viruses.

If you allow a Trojan to be installed, the user's DNS records can be modified, redirecting incoming internet traffic through the attacker's servers, where it can be hijacked and injected with malicious websites and pornographic advertisements. The trojan also installs a watchdog process that ensures the victim's (that's you!) DNS records stay modified on a minute-by-minute basis.

Mac users should always obtain their copy of Adobe Flash Player directly from Adobe’s official website and to disable the 'Open 'safe' files after downloading' option in Safari Preferences/General to avoid automatically running files downloaded from the Internet. Also, do not turn on Java in Safari Preferences/Security. Few websites use Java. Javascript is something entirely different and should be left active.

(Adobe is aware of malware posing as its Flash Player and warns users to ignore any updates that didn't originate on its own servers. 'Do not download Flash Player from a site other than adobe.com,' said David Lenoe, Adobe's product security program manager, in an entry on Adobe Product Security Incident Response Team's PSIRT blog. 'This goes for any piece of software (Reader, Windows Media Player, QuickTime, etc). If you get a notice to update, it's a good idea to go directly to the site of the software vendor and download the update directly from the source. If the download is from an unfamiliar URL or an IP address, you should be suspicious.')

Last, but by no means least, using Open DNS is the simplest way of preventing infection in the first place. Open DNS also protects against phishing attacks, re-directs, speeds up your internet connection - see below.

How to get it:


Fake exhibitions mac os x

Java can present serious security threats: Users with Intel Macs running Snow Leopard OS 10.6 or later versions of OS X should ensure that they have downloaded and installed all the recent Java updates from Apple, which are designed to prevent infection and also remove any infection already present.

From the introduction of Lion onwards, new Macs do not have either Flash Player nor Java installed.



Adding Open DNS codes to your Network Preferences should give good results in terms of added security (phishing attacks, re-direction etc) as well as speed-up of your internet connection:

Open System Preferences/Network. Double click on your connection type, or select it in the drop-down menu, and in the box marked 'DNS Servers' add the following two numbers:

(You can also enter them if you click on Advanced and then DNS)

Sometimes reversing the order of the DNS numbers can be beneficial in cases where there is a long delay before web pages start to load, and then suddenly load at normal speed:

There may be other ways of guarding against Trojans, viruses and general malware affecting the Mac, and alternatives will probably appear in the future. In the meantime the advice is: be careful where you go on the web and what you download!


1. Avoid going to suspect and untrusted Web sites, especially p'orn'ography sites.

2. Check out what you are downloading. Mac OS X asks you for you administrator password to install applications for a reason! Only download media and applications from well-known and trusted Web sites, i.e. the developers’ own web sites or the Apple App Store. If you think you may have downloaded suspicious files, read the installer packages and make sure they are legit. If you cannot determine if the program you downloaded is infected, do a quick Internet search and see if any other users reported issues after installing a particular program.

3. Use an antivirus program like ClamXav. If you are in the habit of downloading a lot of media and other files, it may be well worth your while to run those files through this AV application.

4. Consider using Mac OS X's built-in Firewalls and other security features.

5. Avoid Peer-to-peer sharing applications. Download torrents (such as the now defunct LimeWire) supplying pirated software, movies etc are hotbeds of potential software issues waiting to happen to your Mac. Everything from changing permissions to downloading trojans and other malicious software can be acquired from using these applications. Similar risks may apply to using Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube and similar sites which are prone to malicious hacking (see below): http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8420233.stm

It has been estimated that one in six links posted on Facebook pages are connected to malicious software.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-12967254

6. Check for security updates from Apple using Software Update and install them!

YOUR PRIVACY ON THE INTERNET and the latest risks to look out for:

There is the potential for having your entire email contact list stolen for use for spamming:

And if you are using iPhone Apps you are also at risk of losing all privacy:

The advent of HTML5 may also be a future threat to internet privacy:

NOTE:Apple's operating systems since Snow Leopard silently update the malware protection built into Mac OS X to protect against a backdoor Trojan Horse that can allow hackers to gain remote control over your treasured iMac or MacBook.



'Phishing' (also known as 'carding' or 'spoofing') refers to email that attempts to fraudulently acquire personal information from you, such as your account password or credit card information. On the surface, the email may appear to be from a legitimate company or individual, but it's not.

As a general rule, never send credit card information, account passwords, or extensive personal information in an email unless you verify that the recipient is who they claim to be. Many companies have policies that state they will never solicit such information from customers by email, and that includes your bank, credit card company, and Apple.

If you do receive email that you're not sure is valid, here are some tips that can help you determine its legitimacy:

Learn how to identify fraudulent 'phishing' email:

How to report phishing scams to Apple:

via email to: reportphishing@apple.com

If you discover that emails are being received by your entire address list which you didn’t send, it is possible that you have been infected by a Botnet. Simply put, a bot – which is short for robot – is an automated computer program that allows outside sources to control computers remotely without the users' knowledge. A botnet is a network of hundreds or thousands of computers infected with botnet malware that communicates covertly with a command-and-control (CnC) server run by a type of cybercriminal called a botmaster. Unbeknownst to the individual users, their computers are linked in a rogue network which the botmaster can utilize for a variety of nefarious purposes.

Detailed information here:


Another source of malware, apart from sites like Facebook and Hotmail, is the Android Marketplace: more than 99% of Android phones are potentially leaking data that, if stolen, could be used to get the information they store online.

The data being leaked is typically used to get at web-based services such as Google Calendar.

The open nature of the Android platform is both a boon and a danger, and as Facebook have already discovered it is also a very attractive criminal playground: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-12633923

Several pieces of malware have also been found on iPhones, however only devices that had been 'jailbroken' to bypass Apple's security were affected. The company's process of pre-vetting all new applications is believed to have spared its devices from a major attack.


Some Windows PCs can be infected with viruses during the manufacturing process in the factories - in other words they can actually be purchased with viruses bundled with the operating system! Several new computers have been found carrying malware installed in the factory, suggests a Microsoft study. One virus called Nitol found by Microsoft steals personal details to help criminals plunder online bank accounts. Microsoft won permission from a US court to tackle the network of hijacked PCs made from Nitol-infected computers.

This does not happen with Apple computers!


In reality of course, there is no such thing as total internet privacy: US and British intelligence agencies have successfully cracked much of the online encryption relied upon by hundreds of millions of people to protect the privacy of their personal data, online transactions and emails: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/05/nsa-gchq-encryption-codes-security

If you have a Facebook account, Facebook is surveilling every single moment you spend there. Moreover, much more importantly, every web page you touch that has a Facebook 'like' button on it which, whether you click the button or not, will report your reading of that page to Facebook.

If the newspaper you read every day has Facebook 'like' buttons or similar services' buttons on those pages, then Facebook or the other service watches you read the newspaper: it knows which stories you read and how long you spent on them.

Every time you tweet a URL, Twitter is shortening the URL for you. But it is also arranging that anybody who clicks on that URL will be monitored by Twitter as they read. You are not only helping people know what's on the web, but also helping Twitter read over everybody's shoulder everything you recommend.

And now ‘smart TVs’ are also adding to your loss of privacy: 'Smart TVs' are bringing PC-style spyware and banner ads to the living room, collecting detailed logs of data that include every time the channel is changed and the names of every media file watched. In the case of sets from LG, data is being sent to the factory unencrypted, even after users attempt to turn the data collection off. Source: http://doctorbeet.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/lg-smart-tvs-logging-usb-filenames-and. html

Since the issue became public it has emerged that Sony's PlayStation also collects data from every Blu-ray disc that is played.

Additional reading:

'Antivirus Software On Your Mac: Yes or No?'

Other malware removal tip and malware removal software sites:

Note: if at all possible before trying to remove malware, do abackupof your data. While you may backup the virus as well, you can usually extract document files themselves which are uninfected from the backup in case the virus removal tool was too thorough. ZIP archives, applications, scpt files and .jar files should be considered infected if you don't know their source:

Fake Exhibitions Mac Os 11

Malwarebytes for Mac — Mac Antivirus Replacement Malwarebytes - note removal of this software itself can be done with Download CCleaner Clean, optimize & tune up your PC, free! (this software also supports removal of system caches, which is NOT recommended).

Fake Exhibitions Mac Os Catalina

EasyFind & Find Any File - offer index (no interference from Spotlight) free file searches that allow you to eliminate known malware by file name.



'YOUR APPLE COMPUTER HAS BEEN LOCKED' is a fake pop-up error message claiming that the system has been infected. This message is displayed by malicious website. Users often visit this website inadvertently - they are redirected by potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) that infiltrate systems without consent. Research shows that as well as causing unwanted redirects, PUPs also deliver intrusive online advertisements and continually monitor Internet browsing activity.

'YOUR APPLE COMPUTER HAS BEEN LOCKED' is unique, since it only targets the Mac OS. This error message states that a system infection has been detected and that personal data (logins/passwords, credit card details, etc.) have been stolen. Therefore, victims must immediately remove the virus by contacting certified technicians via the telephone number ('1-877-271-8604') provided. In fact, research shows that this message is a scam. The virus does not exist. The pop-up is designed only to trick victims into calling fake technical support and paying for services that are not required. Therefore, ignore this pop-up and never attempt to contact these people. Be aware that potentially unwanted programs deliver pop-up, coupon, banner, and other similar ads. To achieve this, developers employ a 'virtual layer' - a tool that enables placement of third party graphical content on any site. The displayed ads often conceal underlying content of visited websites, significantly diminishing the Internet browsing experience. In addition, some lead to malicious websites and even accidental clicks can result in high-risk computer infections. Potentially unwanted programs also track Internet browsing activity by gathering IP addresses, search queries, URLs visited, and other similar information that might contain personal details. The data is shared with third parties (potentially, cyber criminals) who generate revenue by misusing personal details. Therefore, the presence of including, for example, Immediately Call Apple Support, Mac Detected TAPSNAKE Infection, and Mac Malware Warning Alert ! All claim that the system is infected or damaged in similar ways and victims are encouraged to contact technical support. In fact, fake error messages are designed to trick victims into paying for services that are not required. Therefore, they should never be trusted. The purpose if PUPs is identical - they are designed only to generate revenue for the developers. Promises to provide so-called 'useful features' are merely attempts to give the impression of legitimacy, whereas PUPs cause unwanted redirects, gather personal information, and deliver intrusive online advertisements.

How did potentially unwanted programs install on my computer?

As mentioned above, PUPs infiltrate systems without users' consent. This is since they are distributed using a deceptive software marketing method called 'bundling' - stealth installation of third party apps with regular software. Developers know that users often rush the download/installation processes and skip most steps. Therefore, bundled programs are hidden within the 'Custom/Advanced' settings. Users who rush and skip this section risk inadvertently installing rogue applications.

How to avoid installation of potentially unwanted applications?

There are two simple steps you should take to prevent this situation. Firstly, never rush when downloading and installing software. Select the 'Custom/Advanced' settings and closely analyze each step. Secondly, decline offers to download/install additional apps and opt-out of those already included.

Text presented within the first YOUR APPLE COMPUTER HAS BEEN LOCKED variant:

Your Computer is infected with an adware or malware causing you to see this popup.
This may happen due to obsolete virus protections.
To fix, please call Apple Support at 1-877-271-8604 immediately. Please ensure you do not restart your computer to prevent data loss.
Possibility of Data & Identity theft, if not fixed immediately.
System has been infected due to unexpected error!
Please Contact Apple 1-877-271-8604 Immediately!
to unblock your computer.
Suspicious Activity Detected. Your Browser might have been hijacked or hacked.
Private and Financial Data is at RISK:
. Your credit card details and banking information
. Your e-mail passwords and other account passwords
. Your Facebook, Skype, AIM, ICQ and other chat logs
. Your private & family photos and other sensitive files
. Your webcam could be accessed remotely by stalkers
Seeing these pop-up's means that you may have a virus installed on your computer which puts the security of your personal data at a serious risk.
It's strongly advised that you call the number above and get your computer inspected before you continue using your internet, especially for Shopping or Banking.
Call immediately for assistance.
Contact Apple Support At (1-877-271-8604)


Text presented within the second YOUR APPLE COMPUTER HAS BEEN LOCKED variant:

Your Computer is infected with an adware or malware causing you to see this popup.
This may happen due to obsolete virus protections.
To fix, please call Apple Support at 1-877-271-8604 immediately. Please ensure you do not restart your computer to prevent data loss.
Possibility of Data & Identity theft, if not fixed immediately.

Screenshot of another variant of this scam targeted at iOS users (iPhone, iPad, etc), cyber criminals behind this scam are using +1(844)899-4845 or +1-866-217-1442 phone numbers. Users who come across this scam should simply close the tab of the scam website:

Text presented in this iOS tech support scam:


Apple iOS Alert!!
System might be infected due to unexpected error! Please Contact Apple Care +1(844)899-4845 Immediately! For assistance regarding how to remove it.
Suspicious Activity Detected. Your Browser has been compromised. Possible network damages if virus not removed immediately. DATA AT RISK:
- Your credit card details and banking information
- Your e-mail passwords and other account passwords
- Your Facebook, Skype, AIM, ICQ and other chat logs
- Your private & family photos and other sensitive files
- Your webcam could be accessed remotely by stalkers.

Seeing these pop-up’s means that your DEVICE which puts the security of your personal data at a serious risk. It’s strongly advised that you call the number above and get your DEVICE inspected before your continue using your Internet, especially for Shopping or banking. Call immediately for assistance, Contact Apple Care at +1(844)899-4845

Instant automatic Mac malware removal:Manual threat removal might be a lengthy and complicated process that requires advanced computer skills. Combo Cleaner is a professional automatic malware removal tool that is recommended to get rid of Mac malware. Download it by clicking the button below:
▼ DOWNLOAD Combo Cleaner for MacBy downloading any software listed on this website you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Combo Cleaner. Limited three days free trial available.

Quick menu:

  • STEP 1. Remove adware related files and folders from OSX.
  • STEP 2. Remove YOUR APPLE COMPUTER HAS BEEN LOCKED pop-up from Safari.
  • STEP 3. Remove YOUR APPLE COMPUTER HAS BEEN LOCKED pop-up from Google Chrome.
  • STEP 4. Remove YOUR APPLE COMPUTER HAS BEEN LOCKED pop-up from Mozilla Firefox.

Video showing how to remove adware and browser hijackers from a Mac computer:

Adware removal:

Remove potentially unwanted applications from your 'Applications' folder:

Fake Exhibitions Mac Os Download

Click the Finder icon. In the Finder window, select “Applications”. In the applications folder, look for “MPlayerX”,“NicePlayer”, or other suspicious applications and drag them to the Trash. After removing the potentially unwanted application(s) that cause online ads, scan your Mac for any remaining unwanted components.

Combo Cleaner checks if your computer is infected with malware. To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Combo Cleaner. Limited three days free trial available.

Remove your apple computer has been locked virus related files and folders:

Click the Finder icon, from the menu bar. Choose Go, and click Go to Folder...

Check for adware-generated files in the /Library/LaunchAgents folder:

In the Go to Folder... bar, type: /Library/LaunchAgents

In the “LaunchAgents” folder, look for any recently-added suspicious files and move them to the Trash. Examples of files generated by adware - “installmac.AppRemoval.plist”, “myppes.download.plist”, “mykotlerino.ltvbit.plist”, “kuklorest.update.plist”, etc. Adware commonly installs several files with the same string.

Check for adware generated files in the /Library/Application Support folder:

In the Go to Folder... bar, type: /Library/Application Support

In the “Application Support” folder, look for any recently-added suspicious folders. For example, “MplayerX” or “NicePlayer”, and move these folders to the Trash.

Check for adware-generated files in the ~/Library/LaunchAgents folder:

In the Go to Folder bar, type: ~/Library/LaunchAgents

In the “LaunchAgents” folder, look for any recently-added suspicious files and move them to the Trash. Examples of files generated by adware - “installmac.AppRemoval.plist”, “myppes.download.plist”, “mykotlerino.ltvbit.plist”, “kuklorest.update.plist”, etc. Adware commonly installs several files with the same string.

Check for adware-generated files in the /Library/LaunchDaemons folder:

In the Go to Folder... bar, type: /Library/LaunchDaemons

In the “LaunchDaemons” folder, look for recently-added suspicious files. For example “com.aoudad.net-preferences.plist”, “com.myppes.net-preferences.plist”, 'com.kuklorest.net-preferences.plist”, “com.avickUpd.plist”, etc., and move them to the Trash.

Scan your Mac with Combo Cleaner:

If you have followed all the steps in the correct order you Mac should be clean of infections. To be sure your system is not infected run a scan with Combo Cleaner Antivirus. Download it HERE. After downloading the file double click combocleaner.dmg installer, in the opened window drag and drop Combo Cleaner icon on top of the Applications icon. Now open your launchpad and click on the Combo Cleaner icon. Wait until Combo Cleaner updates it's virus definition database and click 'Start Combo Scan' button.

Combo Cleaner will scan your Mac for malware infections. If the antivirus scan displays 'no threats found' - this means that you can continue with the removal guide, otherwise it's recommended to remove any found infections before continuing.

After removing files and folders generated by the adware, continue to remove rogue extensions from your Internet browsers.

YOUR APPLE COMPUTER HAS BEEN LOCKED virus removal from Internet browsers:

Remove malicious extensions from Safari:

Remove your apple computer has been locked virus related Safari extensions:

Fake Exhibitions Mac Os X

Open Safari browser, from the menu bar, select 'Safari' and click 'Preferences...'.

In the preferences window, select 'Extensions' and look for any recently-installed suspicious extensions. When located, click the 'Uninstall' button next to it/them. Note that you can safely uninstall all extensions from your Safari browser - none are crucial for normal browser operation.

  • If you continue to have problems with browser redirects and unwanted advertisements - Reset Safari.

Remove malicious plug-ins from Mozilla Firefox:

Remove your apple computer has been locked virus related Mozilla Firefox add-ons:

Open your Mozilla Firefox browser. At the top right corner of the screen, click the 'Open Menu' (three horizontal lines) button. From the opened menu, choose 'Add-ons'.

Choose the 'Extensions' tab and look for any recently-installed suspicious add-ons. When located, click the 'Remove' button next to it/them. Note that you can safely uninstall all extensions from your Mozilla Firefox browser - none are crucial for normal browser operation.

  • If you continue to have problems with browser redirects and unwanted advertisements - Reset Mozilla Firefox.

Remove malicious extensions from Google Chrome:

Remove your apple computer has been locked virus related Google Chrome add-ons:

Open Google Chrome and click the 'Chrome menu' (three horizontal lines) button located in the top-right corner of the browser window. From the drop-down menu, choose 'More Tools' and select 'Extensions'.

In the 'Extensions' window, look for any recently-installed suspicious add-ons. When located, click the 'Trash' button next to it/them. Note that you can safely uninstall all extensions from your Google Chrome browser - none are crucial for normal browser operation.

  • If you continue to have problems with browser redirects and unwanted advertisements - Reset Google Chrome.

Fake Exhibitions Mac OS

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